Cara Buat Ragnarok Private Server With Sql

akhirnya gw kembali dengan iseng-iseng yang baru …
by. Tim adani-game Community
Updated : 18 August 09

Cara Membuat Private Server ONLINE dengan eathena SQL for Windows

persiapan yang kamu harus punya adalah :

1. Kemauan dan Ketenangan diri
2. Komputer lah …. berhubung ini Onlen spec minim 525Mb RAM Pentium berapa ajah yg penting ga ngelag
3. Eathena SQL terbaru (jangan TXT, itu mah buat LAN)


inget ambil yang SQL yah …
terakhir terbaru SVN 138xx
gunakan stable atau Trunk

4. Ragnarok Client, idRO boleh tapi awas error waktu buka item, KRo disarankan Versi 16-06-08
yang udah update Episode 13.1
5. sclientinfo






kalau server kamu ada di satu komputer atau ada di dalam warnet … (pengertiannya satu jaringan) .. gunakan LAN IP pada

6. klo mau bikin server ya musti ada Hexed Client nya terus nanti diagi-bagiin ke temen kamu.
ada di


jangan cari ke tukang sayur yah … ga ada ….
7. sekali lagi ditekankan …. Hati yang sabar dan tenang ….
8. Lagu yg enak didenger, segelas air minum, dan sebungkus Rokok kalo perlu

Instalasi Server SQL

Persiapan Dasar :
(kalo yg udah pernah tau lewatin bagian ini)
Periksa dulu settingan IP configuration mu
[START] –> RUN –> ketik : cmd /k ipconfig
contohnya akan muncul begini muncul kayak gini

Windows IP Configuration

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 3:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : --- ini IP LAN / komputer mu
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . : --- ini Subnet nanti buat settingan
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : -- ini pintu modem mu

terus kamu juga harus tau WAN IP kamu supaya kamu bisa online


angka yang muncul pada website itu ada lah WAN IP mu

Okeh Lanjut lagi
1.extract Eathena SQL nya di mana ajah … jangan di desktop (sebenernya gpp sih)
2.langsung buka eathena …. masuk ke folder conf, terus cari char_athena.conf buka dengan text editor semacem notepad / wordpad.

pada bagian ini ….
edit bagian2 ini dengan mengikuti instruksi

// Athena Character configuration file.

// Server Communication username and password. (jangan pake yg default biar ga gampang di hack)
userid: s1 --- rubah dengan yang kamu mau
passwd: p1 --- rubah dengan yang kamu mau (dua data ini nanti kita simpan okeh 😉

// Server name, use alternative character such as ASCII 160 for spaces.
// NOTE: Do not use spaces in the name, or guild emblems won't work client-side!

// Login Server IP
// The character server connects to the login server using this IP address.
// NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on
// a machine with multiple interfaces.
login_ip: isi dengan IP Komputer mu (misal. ikuti cara yg diatas tadi)

// Character Server IP
// The IP address which clients will use to connect.
// Set this to what your server's public IP address is.
char_ip: isi dengan WAN IP mu

kalo ada tanda “//” apus ajah tanda itu dibagian login_ip, char_ip
dan setelah udah bagian diatas … boleh kok setting2 dulu (tapi jangan asal setting) dibagian bawahnya.
Save dulu coi

3. sekarang buka map_eathena.conf
bagian yg harus diubah adalah

// Interserver communication passwords, set in account.txt (or equiv.)
userid: s1 --- ganti ... samain yg di char_athena.conf tadi
passwd: p1 --- ganti ... samain yg di char_athena.conf tadi

// Character Server IP
// The map server connects to the character server using this IP address.
// NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on
// a machine with multiple interfaces.
char_ip: ganti dengan IP komputer kamu

// Character Server Port
char_port: 6121

// Map Server IP
// The IP address which clients will use to connect.
// Set this to what your server's public IP address is.
map_ip: ganti dengan WAN IP kamu

kalo udah selesai editing … Save dulu cui baru dah lanjut

5. Subnet setting .. buka subnet_athena.conf
defaultnya kan


yg artinya

subnet mask:LAN IP:LAN IP

ganti clue itu jadi
SUBNET MASK hasil cek ipconfig tadi:IP LAN:IP LAN
contohnya jadi


**tengok lagi tadi waktu cek IP komputer

6. GRF setting …. buka deh grf-file.txt yg ada di dalem folder conf
maksudnya ini kalo di eathena data nya kurang … nanti dia baca dari GRF mu
masukin ajah path lokasi GRF mu misal:

// GRF List
// grf: C:\path\to\RO\data.grf
// You may add more in this format
// grf:
D:\Game_Online\Ragnarok Private\KRo\adata.grf
D:\Game_Online\Ragnarok Finish\Ragray\bdata.grf
D:\Game_Online\Ragnarok Finish\Ragray\sdata.grf
D:\Game_Online\Ragnarok Finish\Ragray\mmdata.grf

dilihat dari data diatas …
kamu boleh melampirkan lebih dari satu GRF

selesai deh bagian eathena nya

Instalasi MySQL

1. download dulu file nya (ini versi terakhir 5.0.x)


dan yg ini


2. instal MySQL 5.0.45 nya

3.klik next dan kemudian pilih Typical Setup

4. klik Instal

5. kalo ada pilihan kayak dibawah ini…. pilih skip Sign-up terus klik Next

6. terus pilih yg standard configuration

7.dibagian bawah ini …. pilih MySQL sebagai Windows Service.

8. selanjutnya password root yang kamu inginkan (hapalin kodenya yah)
jangan lupa ceklist “Modify Security Setting”

Instaling MySQL Administrator dan Query Browser

tadi kan gw suruh donlod MySQL ama satu lagi tuh MySQL GUI Tools ..
yg MySQL dah di instal …
sekarang tinggal MySQL GUI Tools kamu instal …
yg kita butuhin cuma MySQL Administrator dan MySQL Query Browser.

klo dah selesai lanjut ke slanjutnya

Setting MySQL Administrator

1. jalankan MySQL Administrator. waktu muncul kotak box login

Stored Connection: (kosongin aje)
Server Host: localhost
Username: root
Password: (masukin password waktu kita instal SQL tadi)
Port: 3306

dan sekarang kamu adalah admin

2. pilih admin administrator

3. selanjutnya klik New User dan masukan

MySQL User: ragnarok
Password: ragnarok
Confirm Password: ragnarok

gambar kotak adminnya kayak gini ..

jangan lupa setelah mengisi data klik Apply Changes

Setting MySQL Query Browser

1. jalankan MySQL Query Browser.. nanti ada kotak buat login lagi

Stored Connection: (kosongin)
Server Host: localhost
Username: root
Password: (password Root mu)
Default Schema: ragnarok
Port: 3306

2. kalo di kotak Schemata kanan ga ada tabung kuning (Table) namanya ragnarok
buat dulu caranya …
klik kanan —-> Create New Schema
namain —> ragnarok .. terus klik Ok

kalo udah ada (dan klo udah dibikin buat yg blom ada)
– pilih dulu Table Ragnarok .. klik ajah sekali
– terus klik File — Open Script
– cari file namanya main.sql di dalam folder sql pada eathena mu
– open

*lakukan hal yg sama untuk mail.sql (tapi klo kamu pake yg upgrade-an SVN … ga perlu… soalnya FIlenya juga ga ada di SVN upgrade-tan))

3. klik Execute (tombol warna hijau di kanan atas)
4. kita membutuhkan log database buat mencatat semua kegiatan SQL mu
so …
klik kanan lagi dikotak Schemata .. pilih Create New Schema
isi dengan nama log
klo udah klik Ok

5. lakukan hal yg sama kayak waktu masukin main.sql
– pilih Table log
– klik File — Open Script
– cari logs.sql … terus klik open
– execute dengan tombol hijau gede tadi selese dah bagian log

6. selanjutnya yg kamu harus lakukan adalah …
masih inget ga di char_athena.conf dan map_athena.conf kan ada
yg gw suruh ubah …

nah di database MySQL nya juga harus ada
cara masukinnya ….
– klik dua kali atau ga klik tanda min di samping ragnarok database
– cari Login (Table)
– klik 4 kali hehehe
– nah keliatan kan database nya masih satu (nanti disini buat bikin account GM nya)
– klik edit (ada dibawah cari deh)
– yg s1 ama p1 ganti sama userid dan password yang kamu bikin tadi di char_athena.conf dan map_athena.config
– kalo udah klik Aplly Changes disebelah tombol Edit.

inget s1 dan p1 musti sama yg di MySQL, char_athena.conf, dan map_athena.conf

mumpung ada disini …
kamu bikin ajah sekalian account GM
caranya ? dari ujung s1 p1 tadi yg diubah
itu langsung tambahin ajah …
misalkan klo blom ada apa-apa ..
masukin ajah 200001 sebagai ID
terus password nya di kotak password
jenis kelamin M atau F, jangan S(s=Server)
terus cari GM level … isi ajah 99 buat awal2
klo mau lebih dari satu ? ya tinggal tambahin ajah lagi

selesai dah


bagian ini sangat penting supaya server bisa berinteraksi dengan user dari luar
tiap2 modem punya settingan yg berbeda …
bisa dicari dan diliat di


port default buat Ro tuh
6900 6191 dan 5121

ya nanti di web itu dijelasin ..

.===================================S=E=L=E=S=A=I= ===============================================.

sisanya kamu tinggal kasih sclientinfo.xml hasil editan ke temen2 mu

ho ho ho
selesai dah Tutorial nya yg iseng-iseng doang

kalo ada yang salah tolong di benerin yah ..
maaf soalnya saya pemula

Q: Ava bedanya Stable ama Trunk ?
A: Stable ya lebih stable … Trunk masih under Development, tp bisa gampang di custom.

Q: kok gw gagal terus Login ?
A: ya lo kudu teliti masukin settingan IP nya … inget kudu Sincron …

Q: gw dah sukses, tp katanya database ga konek ? kenape tu ?
A: periksa mySQL lo dah running blom ? terus cek ID ama PAss nya dah bener blom ?

Q: apa tuh Hexed Client ?
A: Ntu tu … yg buat masuk ke dalem game yg biasanya ber-icon ukuran 24×24

Q: gw dah sukses segalanya … tp pas masuk game kok tulisannya berbahasa planet ?
A: pake dong Translated Pack dari Sephiroth dan di publikasi oleh Premier… neh linknya


Q: terus cara pakeknya gimane ?
A: ah panjang jelasinnye yg jelas itu kudu ditaro di folder Data ato ga di Pack jadi GRF

Q: nah alatnya apa ?
A: namanya GRF Builder … cari aje di eathena … banyak kok

Q: duh gw gagal masuk server, padahal dah bener semua ..
A: inget IP lo di sclientinfo.xml ? klo server ama Ro nya satu komputer, pake IP ato ga LAN IP komputer mu.

Q: ude begitu tp masi gagal.
A: berarti Hexed Client lo bermasalah, ato lo blom bikin ID ??

Q: dih kok kotanya sepi … kaga ada NPC sama sekali ….
A: bukak custom_npc.conf … baca rumusnya … klo lo niat pasti ngerti caranya

Q: klo mau masukin custom item bagemana kk ?
A: wah susah >.< maaf untuk hal ini gw ga bisa bantu …

Q: ah ribet … kk bisa bikinin gw yg udah jadi ga ?
A: e kampret lo niat belajar apa kaga ….. klo mau ya Bayar !!

Q: yaude …
A: sekian dan terima kasih.

Credit :

gambar :


by. Team

Ragnarok Private Server Jav – RO

Pernah denger tentang Jav RO ga ? Klo ga sama donk, aku juga baru pertama kali denger 😀 Aku pertama kali denger Jav RO ini gara-gara aku dapet email dari salah seorang pembaca blog ini yang bernama Fiman Syarief Hidayat dan dia minta agar aku posting tentang cheat Ragnarok Online terutama yang private server. Usulan yang bagus 🙂 Buat temen-temen yang punya informasi seputar cheat dan ga hanya Ragnarok doank, pokoknya semua informasi tentang Game Online kamu bisa share (berbagi) ke aku dan teman-teman di sini dengan mengirimkan informasi tersebut via email di

Oke, kembali ke topik. Jav RO, apaan tuh Jav RO ? Berikut hasil penelusuranku lewat om Google dan hasil copy-paste dari forum IndonesiaIndonesia

Yang Demen RO Naik Lvl Cepet

HDD: Beberapa ratus Giga.
Processor: Core 2 Duo ++
RAM: 4 GB.
Location: Jakarta Timur.
Forumnya :
XII Conection

Server Info
RATE : 200x / 200x / Random item drop rate
MAXs : 150/70. ASPD 195. Stats 200.
* Complete Item Mall At Izlu2dun (Cards Included)
* Healer
* All Equipment 4 slotted except Shield, 2 slotted.
* Three Guild Chronicle War
* Extreme PvP All-Out
* Unripe Apple for increasing stats.
* Job Changer
* Platinum Skill NPC
* Town Warper
* Dungeon Warper
* War of Emperium, Currently 1 Castle only.
* Marriage System (Plus Same-Sex Marriage)
* JAV Room (Coming Soon)
* Unique daily events
* Friendly GMs. (tiap hari GMnya online)

Untuk daftar menggunakan _M (cwo) / _F (cewe)
contoh : username : trojan_M , tapi setelah terdaftar pas login ga perlu lagi pakai _M / _F .

Download Link: Data RAR:
Extract ke folder data di KRo kamu.

Sclientinfo and Client:
Copy Sclientinfo.xml nya ke folder data. Client JAVRO nya taruh diluar folder data (/RO/)

Join Yap

*Bagi yang ingin ngobrol atau sekedar ingin tahu lebih lanjut tentang Jav RO, kamu bisa ikutan diskusi di forum Nyit-Nyit atau di forum IndonesiaIndonesia

Ragnarok Online 2 Private server IIX INDONESIA

Ragnarok 2 Private Server IIX
Kemarin aku dapet email dari seseorang yang bernama Jordy, dia minta aku buat posting artikel tentang Ragnarok 2 ( IIX. Klo sebelumnya aku posting tentang Jav – RO, sekarang aku mau posting nih tentang Ragnarok 2 yang bisa kamu download secara GRATIS tersebut 🙂

Berikut deskripsi tentang Ragnarok 2 ( IIX :


Exprate = 4x / 400x
DropRate = 4x / 400x

Download Files


Yuk RO mana nia main server ini

Command : /Help

NB: Registrasi PM saya DI forum ya


Download Ansav v2.0.36

Ansav Antivirus lokal salah satu antivirus terbaik indonesia ini kini ansav telah mencapai versi 2.0.36. Dengan update v2 terbaru nya ini ansav tampil dengan beberapa pluggins tambahan, themes ans-av pun ada yang baru loh.

Bagi anda penggemar ansav silahkan men-download ansav v2 terbaru ini dengan mengklik link download ansav yang ada di bawah sini.

Link Download Ansav v2

Silahkan anda klik link di atas untuk men-download ansav v2. Jika anda ingin bergabung dalam forum Ansav, silahkan kunjungi Bergabung lah bersama penggemar ansav yang lain untuk berbagi.

Posted By :黒ちゃん(

Multi AV Scanner = McAfee, Trend, Sophos, dan Kaspersky

SOPHOS antivirus
Apa jadinya jika antivirus-antivirus profesional semacam McAfee, Kaspersky, TrendMicro, dan Sophos dijadikan satu?
Tentunya sebuah kekuatan dahsyat untuk menghantam serangan virus, trojan, dan malware.
Terlebih lagi jika kita hanya butuh satu buah engine sehingga komputer tidak menjadi berat.
Dan satu lagi bahwa ini adalah gratis tapi BUKAN barang bajakan.
Begitulah konsep yang diusung Multi AV Scanner yang digarap oleh David H. Lipman.

Antivirus yang dijalankan adalah dengan level DOS sehingga diharapkan mampu menghantam virus dari tingkat yang paling rendah.
Antivirus ini berfungsi menggabungkan signature-signature dari antivirus-antivirus ternama untuk kemudian dijalankan secara independen.
Cara menggunakan:
1. Download aplikasi Multi AV Scanner.
2. Unzip file-nya, kemudian eksekusi maka file akan secara otomatis terekstraks kedalam folder yang diinginkan
3. Setelah itu jalankan file: StartMenu.bat maka akan muncul tampilan sebagai berikut
Multi AV Scanner

Multi AV Scanner
4. Pilih antivirus yang akan anda update signature-nya
5. Untuk me-Run antivirus lihat menu help file.
Download Multi AV Scanner
| Link by Ziddu |

DhiiitZ (黒ちゃん)


13 Tips to Hacking Twitter

Twitter LogoHey, What are you doing right now?
This is what Twitter answers in a text message of 140 characters or less. This networking tool is something bloggers use to publicize writings, companies use to elicit brand promotion, and people use to network. Here are ten Twitter hacks to better understand and leverage this new social networking tool.

-1- Be reTweet Worthy.
The biggest compliment you can get on Twitter is a retweet (RT). I’ve posted 2000+ tweets and maybe have been retweeted less than 1% of the time.
-2- Gossip Boy.
‘OH’ is when you “overhear” something juicy and tweet it as OH. This is in contrast to citing and sourcing, “@larryChiang’s Drunk tttrs are funny”. Gossip girls and boys, relish in the guilty comfort and anonymity within the confines of an ‘OH’.
-3- Pick a Twitter Thesis.
Twitter generalists bore. Twitter granularists bore most when they ‘report’ on cereal consumption and choice. Solution: pick a thesis or at least a general focus. My focus is “What They Don’t Teach You At B-School”.
-4- Twitter Ambush.
Some elements of a good military ambush are positioning, preparation, monitoring and of course surprise. Position and preparation are functions of what you selected as your focus. Monitor via Summize. A twitter ambush is where people walk into your expertise and your material springs into action.
Continue reading

Twitter Tips N Trick

Twitter enables you to post updates to your presence stream via SMS, IM, or the web form.
I use IM updates, if you leave it on, you can get lots of updates, it depends on how many friends you have, this is what I do:
– I open my IM in the morning and post on
– then I post get
– then I post off, but still keep my IM window open
What I’m, doing is posting on to receive updates as they happen, but I want to see what I’ve missed out on while I was asleep, so I post get to receive the latest updates from all my friends.
I could choose to do nothing else and just wait for the updates as they happen, but if you have a lot of friends that post frequently you will have IM popping up all the time, so I just turn it off, by posting off.
In an hour’s time I will post on, and then post get, and then post off again.
on – enable twitter updates
get – get recent updates from all your friends
off – disable twitter updates
If you want to get the last update from just one user instead of all your friends you can post on, then post get username instead of posting get.
get username – get this person’s last update
You may decide not to post off in this instance as you won’t mind updates if they are just coming from one friend, but this isn’t so…you can’t keep it fixed to just keep getting updates limited to this person, because you posted on earlier, sooner or later you will get live updates from any of your friends.
The way around this is to post on, then leave all, then follow username.
leave all – turns off updates of your entire friends list
follow username – you will get updates from this person
In contrast if you want updates from all your friends except one, you could post on, then post follow all, then post leave username…then you might post off, otherwise you will get heaps of live updates.
follow all – turns on updates for your entire friends list
leave username – disables updates from this person
nudge username – encourages this peron to update
stats – a few statistics about your Twitter account
help – sends back a list of Twitter lingo commands
invite 415-555-1212 username – sends a text to invite a someone (the number is this person’s actual phone number)…but this commanr doesn’t work with IM.
Add 415-555-1212 username – to add a friend
accept – accept friend invitation
deny – deny friend invitation
delete username – works from the web only, bit sure about IM
On your web settings there is an auto-nudge to remind yourself to update, there is also a Sleep option to auto turn your updates on and off.
Twitter is more about presence, stream of consciousness, rather than chat. Reason being if someone replies to anothers Twitter post how do others know the context, it is a kind of spam to everyone else.
Person A posts, Person B follows Person A (Person B has added Person A as a friend), Person B sends a reply type post, Person A receives this as they follow Person B (Person A has added Person B as a friend) .
Person C follows Person B (Person C has added Person B as a friend), but doesn’t not follow Person A (Person C has not added Person A as a friend), this means Person C did not receive the inital post from Person A.
So when Person B sends a reply type post to Person A, Person C will receive it as they follow Person B, but will not understand the context (they won’t know what this post is replying to as they did not see the initial post by Person A since they don’t follow them).
Some people seem to be using Twitter in this way, but at least when they do they are using a greeting command so others know just to ignore it eg. @username – yeah 2pm sounds fine.
A way around this is to post the “reply” as a Direct Message (private) to a friend, by posting D username [insert message here]
eg. D Paul yeah 2pm sounds fine.
Then the original person can reply by sending a direct message back.
I wonder if you can send a direct message to multiple people
eg. D Paul + Peter yeah 2pm sounds fine.
D username – send a direct (private) message
On your web settings you can set to get just Direct Messages only (I don’t think there is a phone command for this)
Here is the post by Eirepreneur about this chatting issue:
“I’m beginning to see more and more people using Twitter like IRC or a chat room, with messages like this –

Username: @Whoever: Agreed, I thought the same thing

Now unless I’m also following ‘Whoever’ I don’t have a clue what ‘Username’ is talking about and even if I did this isn’t a chat room….. it’s not for conversation… it’s for stream of consciousness thoughts or status reports. Yes, I could of course just stop following the people who do that but better to first try instilling an appropriate netiquette for the new medium.”
Tom Morris has an answer that goes beyond Direct Messages:
“…I wish Twitter would introduce a way to send a “public direct” message – meaning that it would be sent direct to the person but also could be seen by anyone who is a friend of both you and them. That way, people who are just friends of one participant in a conversation don’t get bothered with the updates….”
This makes sense – Person A could send a public direct message to Person B, and whoever follows both Person A and Person B will receive the message. That way when Person B replies, it can be done the same way, whoever follows both of them will get the reply.
eg. if Person C follows Person B, but not Person A, then they will not get the initial public direct message post from Person A…this is nothing different so far. BUT, when Person B replies with a public direct message to Person A, Person C will not see this even though they follow Person B. The reason they don’t see this is that it is not a normal post, but a public direct message post.
To re-iterate to get the initial message or reply Person C has to follow both Person A and Person B (both of the people have to be added as a friend in Person C’s profile)
Hmmm…Twitter is not meant to be used for chat, and perhaps this would induce more chatting…but at least it won’t be shown on the public page, since it’s not confusing anyone, I don’t see the harm, it is just extending the direct message option.
If this was implemented this would be the closest thing to a “group”, even though it is not a formal group.
Update by mobile email hack
As I explained in my last post I don’t want to pay to receive updates by SMS (not sure if you have to anyway, as you are receiving).
Since I can receive emails for free on my phone I could get Twitter updates for free, all I have to do is get the RSS feed of my friends timeline (available from my user page or my admin page):
Then use an RSS to email service like Rmail…done, now I will receive an email any time one of my friends updates.
This is a lot of emails, so may instead I could choose 3 or 4 friends I want to follow. To do this I just go to their user page and grab their feed.
eg. of mine
Then I would go to Rmail and set up 4 separate RSS to email updates.
You could splice the 4 feeds into one feed (using Feed Digest or others), but this isn’t really going to make a difference in the frequency of delivery.
For each RSS feed or the spliced feed maybe you could choose some sort of digest delivery (this means you don’t want the email as it happens, you’d rather get an email every 3 hours with the accumulated updates all in the one email).
But what I want to do the most is be able to post by email (as it only costs me $3 a month to send unlimited emails).
Is there a way I could send an email to my IM, which would then automatically send the post to the Twitter contact…this seems impossible?
[ADDED 26/01/07: Just realised my phone provider lets you use MSN or Yahoo! IM for $5 a month, this is great news, maybe I can post (and receive) to Twitter via IM on my phone]
[ADDED 07/02/07: Whois Command – whois – profile of a person (includes: last update, location, bio, and website)
eg. whois johnt]
[ADDED 15/03/07: Twitter : what are the possibilities]
[ADDED 15/03/07: Twitter comments or conversations]
[ADDED 16/03/07: Twittermaps mashup]
[ADDED 26/03/07: TwitterVision : realtime maps]
[ADDED 26/03/07: Twitterholic]
[ADDED 26/03/07: TwitThis and TwitterBuzz]
[ADDED 27/03/07: Mail2Twitter and RSS2Twitter]
[ADDED 28/03/07: TriGGr, Autotwit]
[ADDED 3/04/07: now has email updates on demand and direct messages]
[ADDED 4/04/07: Twapper does Twitter groups]
[ADDED 4/04/07: Pluggd mashup that will post to Twitter the current podcast you are listening to]
[ADDED 10/04/07: Twitter Earth]
[ADDED 10/04/07: Twitterverse word bursts]
[ADDED 12/04/07: Twitter word bursts: Twitterverse, Twitterzone, TwitterSearch, ZoomCloud]
[ADDED 12/04/07: FeedBlitz enabling to subscribe to blogs with Twitter]
[ADDED 12/04/07: Twitterment : search and trends for Twitter]
[ADDED 27/04/07: Twitterviz, urlTea, Phonetag]
[ADDED 2/05/07 : TweetTweet, Twazr]
[ADDED 8/5/07: TwitBin, Tweetbar]
[ADDED 11/5/07: FeedBlitz Direct To You, Tweetr]
[ADDED 16/05/07: Monitwitter]
[ADDED 22/05/07: Twittervision 3D]
[ADDED 23/05/07: Tweetvolume]
[ADDED 13/06/07: DIY mashup of Twitter friends tweets on a map]
[ADDED 18/06/07: Roundup : Twittermosaic, Twit Dir, TweetAhead, twitter timer, Twitigg, Egorcast, brabblr, Twitter replies]
[ADDED 12/07/07: Twitter in real life]
[ADDED 19/07/07: Roundup: Flotzam,, Twitterfaces, Tw3t, Twittermail]
[ADDED 3/08/07: Groups : Twitter, Pownce and Jaiku]
[ADDED 3/08/07: Roundup: Satisfaction, Nouncer, Yappd, Twitku, Grazr Twitter Reader]
[ADDED 08/09/07: Groups : Twitter, Pownce and Jaiku]
[ADDED 27/09/07: Terraminds Twitter search channel hack]
[ADDED 27/09/07: Twitter channel hack for real]
[ADDED 30/09/07: Tracking Twitter is almost a channel]
[ADDED 30/09/07: Roundup : Twitter Digest, OutTwit, Twiddeo, TwitBacker, TwitterNotes]
[ADDED 11/11/07: Roundup : Eventtrack, Tweet Scan, Inner Twitter, TwitterPoster, Loud Twitter, Twibble]
[ADDED 14/11/07: Roundup : TwitterWhere, Twype, tweetafile, PingTwitter, Twit Like Me, TwitterSync]
[ADDED 14/11/07: Roundup : Twittercal, Twitter-a-day, Twitstat, Twitteria, TwitDB]
[ADDED 11/12/07: Roundup : TweetChannel, PlusPlusBot, Tweetl, @locals, Twitter @replies update]
[ADDED 24/01/08: Roundup : Ideajam, SHOULD do THIS , digFoot , digfoot, Tweeterboard, Gridjit]
[ADDED 30/01/08: Roundup : Roundup : Tweetmeme, Shouting, Twitter100, Hellotxt, Heysan]
[ADDED 31/01/08: Roundup :, TwitterWhere, vcasmo, kwout, ControlC]
[ADDED 5/03/08: Roundup : TweetSpeak, Twitter Packs, Twittershare, Tweet What You Eat, Twixtr]
[ADDED 5/03/08: Roundup : ReaderBurner, Strawpoll Twitter, Twittermeter, Twimblr, Qik]
[ADDED 25/03/08: Roundup : Quotably, Twemes, Twitzer, Twitsig, serendipiTwitterous]
[ADDED 9/04/08: Roundup : Twitter Teams, Twitter Treats, Twitter Lights, Twitter Soap, Twitter Friends Network Browser]
[ADDED 9/04/08: Roundup : Comtwit, TweetPeek, Twitpic, TweetBurner, TweetClouds]
[ADDED10/04/08: Roundup : Twubble, GroupTweet, Ambient Avatars, Twitterfox, Twitterlocal]
[ADDED 15/04/08: Roundup : TwitterWho, TwitsLikeMe, SnapTweet, TwittNot, TweetDumpr]
[ADDED 15/04/08: Roundup : twaction, Twhither, Tipr, TwitLinks, Twitter Troll]
[ADDED 16/04/08: Roundup : DailyTwitter, ReporTwitters, gtFtr,, RetweetMe]
[ADDED 19/04/08: Roundup : Summize, Twitterspy, Twitter Presenter, Twit Plus, 24 o’clocks]
[ADDED 4/06/08: Roundup : Twitter PollDaddy, TwitResponse, TwitterReply, TwitEarth, Twitimonials]
[ADDED 4/06/08: Roundup : YouTwit, Twist, Twistory, Twerp Scan, Twitternothing]
[ADDED 4/06/08: Roundup : TweetWheel, Twitter Blacklist, Twitt(url)y, TweetSpeech, Twitterfone]
[ADDED 4/06/08: Slandr takes on Twitter mobile]
[ADDED 10/06/08: Roundup : Crowdstatus, Twistori, Tweetcube, Twanslate, Twiddict]
[ADDED 12/06/08: Roundup : MyTweeple, TwitterSnooze, Who Should I Follow, Twit 2 SMS, Twisky]
[ADDED 16/06/08: Roundup : Tweet 2 Tweet, Does Follow, TwitTag, TwitterCounter, Twitter Ratio]
[ADDED 16/06/08: Roundup : TwitterPark, TweetAnswers, TweetLists, Twellow, TwitterCard]
[ADDED 19/06/08: Roundup : Tweet Boards, Twitscoop, My Tweet Map, Tweet Later, Tweeqs]
[ADDED 17/07/08: Roundup : Twitabit, Twannabe, Tweet Thread, TwitterBash, TweetMarks]
[ADDED 17/07/08: Roundup : Tweetshots, TweetPaste, Matt, Chirrup, Twebinar]
[ADDED 25/07/08: Roundup : Twiffid, TwitterFresh, Twitter StreamGraphs, Easy Tweets, Replize]
[ADDED 25/07/08: Roundup : Twadl , AnswerMe, Tweenky, TweetMyPage, TweetParty]
[ADDED 14/08/08: Roundup : Monittor, Phweet, TwitStamp, Roomatic, TwitHire]
[ADDED 19/08/08: Roundup : Tweetake, Twitly, FLOATwitter, ToAnswer, Twit-it]
[ADDED 22/09/08: Roundup : Twitter Grader, Tweetrush, Lazytweet, Twittad, tweetSMS]
[ADDED 22/09/08: Roundup : Twitgraph, Tweetbeep, Twitbuzz, Tweeple Twak, TwitterSafe]
[ADDED 16/10/08: Roundup :, Twitterkeys, Dwigger, Social Tops, Tweader]
[ADDED 5/11/08: 5 options for mobile web Twitter]
[ADDED 5/11/08: A conversation on Twitter]
[ADDED 5/11/08: Groups on Twitter]
[ADDED 17/02/08: Roundup : TwitSnip, Qwitter, Flockup, FriendOrFollow, TwitterThreads]
[ADDED 21/12/08: Roundup : TwitZu, TwitterGadget, BrightKit, Twitter Groups, TweetWaster]
[ADDED 16/01/09: Roundup : Who Follows You, Set up your Twitter list, Twply, Mr Tweet, Twitter-to-FriendFeed Contact Sync]
[ADDED 16/01/09: Roundup : Tweetree, Power Twitter, Retweet Rank, twtapps (twtcard, twtpoll, twtvite), TwitterFriends]
[ADDED 16/01/09: Roundup : Tweetvisor, Twitwall, Twitblogs, Just Tweet It, MyTweetSpace]
[ADDED 19/01/09: Roundup : re-twit’d, TweetGrid, Twitority, PeopleBrowsr, TwitTangle]
[ADDED 19/01/09: How many ways do you use Twitter?]
[ADDED 16/02/09: Roundup : Tweetbacks, Tweetsuite, Magpie, Twittertise, 2tweet]
[ADDED 16/02/09: Roundup : Snipt, TweetStalk, TwitterEyes, Twitzer, adCause]
[ADDED 16/02/09: Roundup : TwitterSheep, 140it, Retweetist, Twitter Mosaic, TweetValue]
[ADDED 16/02/09: Roundup : TweeTube, TweepSearch, Tweet3, Twilert, TwitterScope]
[ADDED 23/02/09: Microplaza is a memetracker the micro way]
[ADDED 27/02/09: Roundup : Twitseeker, Twinfluence, Retweetradar, Bubbletweet, Twitter Influence Calculator]
[ADDED 27/02/09: Roundup : twtrip, JustSignal, Twalala, TweetBackup, Tweetag]
[ADDED 19/03/09: Roundup : twitalyzer, Twitterfall, TwitterMapper, Tweepler, Twitter Friends]
[ADDED 19/03/09: Roundup : Tweetcc, Cotweet, Twitter Remote, Twickie, Ginx]
[ADDED 19/03/09: Twitter 3 years on, and why it’s the killer app!]
[ADDED 19/03/09: BackType Connect and BackTweets : Who’s talking about your blog post in Twitter and more]
[ADDED 19/03/09: Roundup : Twitter search results on Google, Search Cloudlet, wwwitter, filttr, Tweetpkr]
[ADDED 19/03/09: Roundup : Hootsuite, Nearby Tweets, Twimailer, Retweetability, Top Twitter Friends]
[ADDED 2/04/09: TwitteReader and GTweet]
[ADDED 2/04/09: Roundup : Topify, NutShellMail, tweetworks,, WeFollow]
[ADDED 2/04/09: Roundup : twitlonger, Tweetizen, TweetSum, FriendFilter, Twibes]
[ADDED 2/04/09: Roundup : EasyTweets, Socialtoo, TwitProfiles, Tweetzi, Twitterfish]
[ADDED 2/04/09: Social search, Help engines, and Sense-making]
[ADDED 15/04/09: Roundup : Flaptor, TwitterSplit, Twi8r, Less Friends, Twittley]
[ADDED 15/04/09: Roundup : FeedNest, Localtweeps, TweepDiff, Tweepular, TweetBrain]
[ADDED 15/04/09: Roundup : Twazzup, Twitr, Twitoria, TweetReach, Tweepz]
[ADDED 1/06/09: Roundup : Spreadtweets, Twitzap, Tweefind, Plodt, LoadedWeb]
[ADDED 1/06/09: Roundup : Sat Twitter, Mailana, Favrd, Tweeter Tags, When did you join twitter]
[ADDED 1/06/09: Roundup : Twanalyst, Morsetweet, Tweba, TweetTrail, Twitt3D]
[ADDED 1/06/09: Roundup : Twubs, Unclutterer, Twollo, Mutuality, Your Twitter Karma
[ADDED 1/06/09: Roundup : MyCleenr, Tinker, AddTweets, BigTweet, Twitlet]
[ADDED 1/06/09: Roundup : ConvoMonitor, pagetweet, TweetALink, SayTweet, Tweecious]
[ADDED 1/06/09: Twitter fix replies, Friendfeed and Facebook comparison]
[ADDED 1/06/09: Roundup : TweetBios, TweetEffect, Tweeterate, TweetIE, TwittBot]
[ADDED 1/06/09: Roundup : TwitterCompressor, twitwoop, Twitoaster, Twonvo, Twitterel]
[ADDED 1/06/09: Roundup : Repeets, twtbizcard, twitmatic, hoodlenow,]
[ADDED 1/06/09: Roundup : vlingo, Poll Everywhere + Twitter, TwitVid, TwitDoc, Mixero]

Cara daftar dan pasang link ask2link di blog

Ask2link adalah salahsatu website layanan textlinkads /jual link (jualan link) yang terbukti ask2link membayar membernya (ask2link bukan scam).

Berikut ini panduan mendaftar dan memasang script link ask2link di blog anda.

1. daftar ke ask2link
Pilih publishers atau cari tombol sign up

isi form pendaftaran
Masukan username, email, nama, password dan account paypal anda
masukkan kode captcha (kode acak)
Klik sign me up
Cek email konfirmasi dari ask2link di email anda, klik link tersebut untuk verifikasi

2. login ke account ask2link anda
Pilih Add site
Masukkan nama blog, url blog, deskripsi blog anda, tag dan kategori blog
Klik tombol add site

3. Pada langkah 2 pilih My Site
Copy link/ script feed yang tersedia (lihat panah merah)

4. Login ke account blog anda
Pilih Dashboard -> tata letak -> elemen halaman
Pilih tambah gadget

5. Pilih feed

6. masukkan script url feed
Klik tombol lanjutkan

Jika sukses maka link feed ask2link akan terpasang di blog anda.

Daftar Blog Ke google

Selain iGoogle , Google reader merupakan salah satu layanan gratis dari google yang bisa anda manfaatkan untuk membantu mempercepat blog anda terindeks oleh google. prinsip kerja dari google reader adalah membaca feed dari website/blog anda. Jadi jika anda sudah mendaftar feed blog anda, maka secara otomatis google reader akan meloading 10 postingan terakhir/terbaru di blog anda. Biasanya google lebih memprioritaskan mengindeks website yang page ranknya lebih tinggi. Karena web google reader lebih tinggi ranknya dari blog anda, maka otomatis robot google lebih dahulu mengindeks perubahan yan ada di halaman google reader, selanjutnya saat menelusuri link yang ada di dalam web tersebut akan menemukan link ke blog anda, jadi besar peluangnya blog anda akan terindeks lebih cepat jika dibanding anda tidak mendaftarnya ke google reader. (terkecuali jika blog anda lebih tinggi PR nya dari PR google reader, maka anda mungkin tidak perlu mendaftar ke google reader).
Pendapat di atas hanyalah berdasrkan pengalaman pribadi, jadi bisa saja keliru.

Jika ada diantara teman-teman yg ingin mendaftar blog ke google reader, bisa ikuti prosedur berikut:

1. login ke halaman google reader
masukkan email dan password gmail anda
klik sign in

2. Klik add a subscripction
Masukkan feed blog anda
feed blog saya
klik tombol Add

3. Jika berhasil akan tampak postingan blog anda
jika tidak muncul, klik tombol all items

cara di atas tidak menjamin blog anda cepat terindeks google, namun dari beberapa blog yang saya daftar ke google reader dan igoogle lebih cepat terindeks dibanding dengan yang tidak terdaftar di google reader, biasanya blog saya yang PR 4 terindeks dalam range 15 menit hingga 2 hari, sedangkan untuk blog PR 2 terindeks sekitar 1 hingga seminggu.